Hänel Rotomat® Office Versions

Rotomat® 300 for lateral hanging folders

Rotomat® 400 for lateral stand-up folders

Rotomat® 500 for binders

Rotomat® 600 for vertical hanging folders

Hänel Rotomat® 300

The carousel for lateral hanging folders

Smart, space-saving file management for large-scale needs.

The Rotomat® 300 is the perfect filing carousel for lateral hanging folders. All commercially available file folder systems can be accommodated.


    Folder Capacity Dimensions in Inches
Rotomat® Carriers Height linear inch. Height Width Depth*
300/100/260/280 11 9.65 " 978.74 82.28 102.36 39.37
300/100/327/280 15 9.65 " 1,686.22 143.70 128.74 39.37
300/100/260/305 10 10.63 " 889.76 82.68 102.36 39.37
300/100/260/305 16 10.63 " 1,423.62 118.90 102.36 39.37
300/100/327/305 10 10.63 " 1,124.02 82.68 128.74 39.37
300/100/327/305 19 10.63 " 2,135.83 137.01 128.74 39.37
300/100/260/330 10 11.61 " 889.76 88.58 102.36 39.37
300/100/327/330 18 11.61 " 2,023.23 140.94 128.74 39.37
*Plus 300 mm for the work counter, mounted at a height of 750 mm.

A Hänel Rotomat® office carousel 300/100/327/305 with 19 carriers and a folder height of 10.63 Inches can accommodate 5,425 files with an average file thickness of 0.39 Inches. This corresponds to 2,135 LFI.


When large quantities of hanging folders need to be archived in a space-saving way while remaining instantly accessible, the Hänel Rotomat® 300 shows its true strengths.

Up to 60 % more floor space can be gained. An impressive performance by Hänel!

Operators appreciate the clarity and speed of access provided by the Hänel office carousels. 

Tailored management and control systems interfacing with PC workstations make the Hänel Rotomat® the ideal partner in offices both in the private and public sectors!

Hänel Rotomat® 400

The carousel for lateral stand-up folders

Maximum utilization of filing capacity on a minimal footprint.

The Rotomat® 400 is the ideal filing carousel for lateral stand-up folders.


    Folder Capacity Dimensions in Inches
Rotomat® Carriers Height linear inch. Height Width Depth*
400/100/260/254 12 8.82 " 1,067.72 80.71 102.36 39.37
400/100/327/254 16 8.82 " 1,798.43 100.79 128.74 39.37
400/100/260/280 11 10.39 " 978.74 82.28 102.36 39.37
400/100/260/280 21 10.39" 1,868.50 137.40 102.36 39.37
400/100/327/280 11 10.39 " 1,236.61 82.28 128.74 39.37
400/100/327/280 15 10.39 " 1,686.22 104.33 128.74 39.37
400/115/260/280 11 10.39" 978.74 84.25 102.36 45.47
400/115/327/280 18 10.39 " 2,023.20 122.83 128.74 45.47
*Plus 300 mm for the work counter, mounted at a height of 750 mm.

A Hänel Rotomat® office carousel 400/100/260/280 with 21 shelves and a folder height of 10.39 Inches can accommodate 4,746 files with an average file thickness of 0.39 Inches. This corresponds to 1,868 LFI.

The Hänel Rotomat® 400 offers maximum storage capacity on a minimal footprint. By adapting to the room height, up to 60% more office floor space can be gained. Workflow becomes more efficient – the operator requests the relevant folders automatically via the microprocessor control system – which results in substantial time savings!

The files can be marked with codes if required, enabling error-free entry in the PC system by barcode scanner. That's state-of-the-art office organization, drawing on all the possibilities of electronic communications.

Hänel Rotomat® 500

The carousel for binders

Efficient, secure management of files on a minimal footprint while guaranteeing quick access.

The days of walls lined with box files and shelves gathering dust are gone forever!
Nowadays the demands placed on modern office organization include ensuring that costly office space is reduced, capacity is optimally used and files can be accessed quickly. The Rotomat® principle has distinct advantages over conventional filing systems: the files come to the user, not the user to the files.

This brings benefits: Workflow is speeded up, and so becomes more efficient and cost- effective !

Full utilization of the room height can reduce the office space required by up to 60 % !

The Rotomat® 500 is the cost-effective filing carousel for ring binders.

      Capacity Dimensions in Inches
Rotomat ® Carriers Binders linear inch. Height Width Depth*
500/100/260/356 10 11.02 " 889.76 94.88 102.36 39.37
500/100/260/356 12 13.23 " 1,067.72 108.66 102.36 39.37
500/100/260/356 15 16.54 " 1,334.65 129.92 102.36 39.37
500/100/260/356 17 18.74 " 1,512.60m 143.70 102.36 39.37
500/100/327/356 10 13.78 " 1,124.02 94.88 128.74 39.37
500/100/327/356 12 16.54 " 1,348.82 108.66 128.74 39.37
500/100/327/356 15 20.67 " 1,686.22 129.92 128.74 39.37
500/100/327/356 17 23.43 " 1,911.02 143.70 128.74 39.37
*Plus 300 mm for the work counter, mounted at a height of 750 mm.

A Hänel Rotomat® office carousel 400/100/260/280 with 21 shelves and a folder height of 10.39 Inches can accommodate 4,746 files with an average file thickness of 0.39 Inches. This corresponds to 1,868 LFI.

Hänel Rotomat® 600

The carousel for vertical hanging folders

Efficient management of hanging folders in a minimum of space!

Wherever files are in constant use and must be actively managed, the Hänel Rotomat® 600 is the ideal solution. The hanging folders are stored neatly and compactly in suspension frames that are pulled out on high-quality telescopic runners for easy access. The user-friendly microprocessor control with numeric keypad is integrated ergonomically into the work counter. A mere touch of a button brings the required folder to the retrieval zone. It couldn’t be quicker or easier! And of course, the Hänel Rotomat® can be connected with ease to your computer system. This is office organization at its best!

Configuration examples

      Folder Capacity Dimensions in Inches
Rotomat ® Carriers Drawers Sections Height linear inch. Height Width Depth*
600/100/250/280 11 2 3 10.24 " 909.45 82.28 98.43 39.37
600/100/250/305 16 2 3 11.22 " 1,322.83 118.90 98.43 39.37
600/100/327/305 14 2 4 11.22 " 1,543.31 106.69 128.74 39.37
600/115/250/305 10 2 3 11.22 " 968.50 84.65 98.43 45.47
600/115/327/305 15 2 4 11.22 " 1,937.01 114.96 128.74 45.47
600/125/251/280 11 2 3 10.24 " 1,195.28 84.25 98.82 49.41
600/125/251/305 14 2 3 11.22 " 1,521.26 108.66 98.82 49.41
600/125/328/305 20 2 4 11.22 " 2,897.64 145.67 129.13 49.41
*Plus 300 mm for the work counter, mounted at a height of 750 mm.

A Hänel Rotomat® office carousel 400/100/260/280 with 21 shelves and a folder height of 10.39 Inches can accommodate 4,746 files with an average file thickness of 0.39 Inches. This corresponds to 1,868 LFI.

Rotomat® 7 – 600 for index cards and stand-up folders

Rotomat® 700 for cards and archives

Hänel Rotomat® 7–600

The carousel for index cards and stand-up folders

Cost-efficient archiving of stand-up folders and index cards for administrative offices.

A practical example:
The medical service of a health insurance company. When several departments were merged, reorganization became necessary. The first job was to accommodate the folders from about 100 filing cabinets in a central archive. Space was at a premium, the file room was bursting at the seams!

The solution: Hänel carousels! 
More than 100,000 vertical folders (stacked in a line they would stretch half a mile) are now neatly stowed in 10 Hänel Rotomats®, ready for immediate access! All the administrative staff enjoy working with the Rotomat® system, and particularly appreciate how easy it is to use. The Rotomat® 7–600 600 is the efficient carousel for index cards and stand-up folders. Smooth-action drawers on telescopic runners make for easy handling.


The Hänel Rotomat® 7–600 is truly versatile. It can store not only standing folders, but data carriers, tapes, card index boxes and much more.

    Telescopic   Folder Capacity Dimensions in Inches
Rotomat ® Carriers Drawers Sections Height linear inch. Height Width Depth*
7–600/115/250/254 12 2 3 9.06 " 1,162.20 82.68 98.43 45.47
7–600/115/327/254 18 3 3/2/3 9.06 " 2,324.41 112.60 128.74 45.47
7–600/115/250/280 11 2 3 10.04 " 1,065.35 84.25 98.43 45.47
7–600/115/327/280 15 3 3/2/3 10.04 " 1,937.01 106.30 128.74 45.47
7–600/125/251/254 12 2 3 9.06 " 1,303.94 82.68 98.82 49.41
7–600/125/251/280 17 2 3 10.04 " 1,847.24 116.93 98.82 49.41
7–600/115/250/254 20 2 3 9.06 " 1,937.01 122.83 98.43 45.47
7–600/115/327/254 12 3 3/2/3 9.06 " 1,549.61 82.68 128.74 45.47
*Plus 300 mm for the work counter, mounted at a height of 750 mm.

A Hänel Rotomat® office carousel 7–600/115/327/254 with 3 drawers and 8 sections in 12 carriers can accommodate 5,904 folders with an average thickness of 0.39 Inches. This corresponds to 2,302 LFI. 

Hänel Rotomat® 700

The carousel for cards and archives

Efficient management of archives, with maximum storage capacity on a minimal footprint!


The Hänel Rotomat® 700 offers abundant space on a minimal footprint. Its huge capacity results from its ability to adapt optimally to the available room height. The versatile fittings inside the Rotomat® 700 allow it to be used for a wide variety of applications. It is ideal for index cards of all sizes, computer disks, microfilm jackets, microfiche, letters and legal folders, press photos and X-ray pictures to name but a few!

Any required document is automatically brought to the user in seconds – conveniently, at the ergonomically correct retrieval height, and without any legwork or physical effort!

All formats – whether standard or custom – can be stored without difficulty.

Configuration examples

        Capacity Dimensions in Inches
Rotomat ® Format Shelves Boxes linear inch. Height Width Depth*
700/115/260/280 Letter 14 98 1,543 100.80 102.36 45.47
700/115/327/280 Letter 12 108 1,701 89.80 128.74 45.47
700/115/260/280 Legal 13 65 1,023 95.30 102.36 45.47
700/115/327/280 Legal 11 77 1,212 84.30 128.74 45.47
700/115/260/280 6x4 microfiche 12 (dual level) 312 3,744 89.80 102.36 45.47
*Plus 300 mm for the work counter, mounted at a height of 750 mm.


Filing options Rotomat® 300 Rotomat® 400 Rotomat® 500 Rotomat® 600 Rotomat® 700 Rotomat® 7-600
Vertical hanging folders          
Lateral hanging folders          
Ring binders/archive boxes          
Vertical stand-up folders          
Lateral stand-up folders          
Data carriers CD/DVD/tapes        
Index cards        
Office materials      
Equipment features
Soft start enabled by pole-switching motors
Hänel EcoLoad® for payloads over 3 tons
Telescopic runners        
Light-barrier curtains compliant with DIN EN 15095
Individual features
Networking with IT systems via the controller
Connection of barcode scanners
Integrated file management (no PC required)
Adaptation for wheelchair users
Customized finish
Multiple access points on different floors
Second safety circuit / Safety Bypass package
Sound insulation

For special features and customized compartment divisions, speak directly to our specialists.