Tontarra Medizintechnik
`Hänel’s market position was the decisive factor!´
Space gained by transparent and protected storage of surgical instruments in the Hänel Lean-Lift®
Since 1963 the company of Tontarra Medizintechnik GmbH has been producing and selling surgical and medical instruments.
The business is based in the modern production plant close to Tuttlingen. The conventional rack storage in which the surgical instruments used to be housed was replaced by 3 Hänel Lean-Lifts®.
These Lean-Lifts® accommodate the instruments in a clearly arranged, protected environment. They can be retrieved and brought to the dispatch department conveniently, quickly and ergonomically.
All storage and retrieval operations are logged directly at the control units and compared with the enterprise resource planning system. The market position of the Hänel company was the reason for deciding to develop this spacesaving storage solution in conjunction with the Hänel specialists.
Tontarra Medizintechnik GmbH
78573 Wurmlingen
Medical technology
Medical technology:
3 Hänel Lean-Lifts®
Surgical stored:
Surgical instruments