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Press release | MHEDA journal - Taking careers up a level

AT HÄNEL STORAGE SYSTEMS, leadership aims to ensure that every woman has the resources and encouragement to succeed in her career. This support goes beyond sending them to industry conferences - it’s a daily investment in growth, opportunity and inclusion.  

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Press release | Pittsburgh Technology Council - Hänel Storage Systems

Hänel Storage Systems is a manufacturer of automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS). Its two primary products are the Rotomat® vertical carousel and Lean-Lift® vertical lift module.  

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Press release | German American Trade Quarterly

Hänel has been in business since 1953 and in the US since 1984, and has a bright future because its products and solutions can be adapted to any market.

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Press release | DC VELOCITY – High School Logistics Program

Hänel Storage Systems, a leader in the manufacture and integration of automated vertical storage units, is proud to have contributed a key component of the burgeoning logistics education program at Western Guilford High School in Greensboro, NC. 

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Press release | Refrigerated & Frozen Foods

For its part, Hanel introduced Smart Picking, a pick-and-put system that relies on commercially available "off-the-shelf" web devices.

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Press release | DC VELOCITY – MODEX 2018

Russ Cruse, Southwest Regional Manager with Hänel Storage Systems, is scheduled to present on the benefits of Vertical Lift Modules (VLMs) at MODEX 2018 in Atlanta.

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Press release | IEN – Controller for Vertical Carousels and VLMs

Hänel Storage Systems (Pittsburgh, PA) has announced the launch of its latest controller option for use with its Rotomat Vertical Carousels and Lean-Lift Vertical Lift Modules (VLMs).

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Press release | DC VELOCITY – Hänel Launches Revolutionary New Automated Vertical Storage Controller

Hänel Storage Systems is pleased to announce the launch of their latest controller option for use with its Rotomat® Vertical Carousels and Lean-Lift® Vertical Lift Modules (VLMs).

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Press release | DC VELOCITY – Hänel Offers Significant Upgrade for Automotive DMS Software

Hänel Storage Systems is proud to announce MP-Link 2.0, a significantly upgraded automotive inventory software application that allows car, truck and motorcycle dealerships to improve the productivity and accuracy of their parts departments.

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Press release | Refrigerated & Frozen Foods

For users who require a portion of their inventory to be stored in a refrigerated or frozen state as opposed to their entire inventory, Hänel Storage Systems, Pittsburgh, Pa., offers ColdCell, a comprehensive re-engineering of a Hänel carousel or lift to allow for refrigerated storage down to 5°F.

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Press release | Fixed Ops

Building a better service and parts department: How vertical storage provides the best foundation. In a study in Western Pennsylvania, the car dealership’s parts department processed several repair orders for a time comparison with and without vertical storage options.

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