Auto dealership parts storage
The Hänel Lean-Lift® – the Interface between workshop and Auto Service

'The BMW sales centre in Pineham was the first to successfully deploy Hänel storage systems. The reliability and efficiency of the Hänel solution there convinced us to purchase two Hänel Lean-Lifts® for our branch office. Another advantage is space savings combined with a controlled inventory of various parts and tools.'
Steve Mills
Head of Business
BMW Benham
Benham, Lever Street Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 1AD
Storage systems:
2 Hänel Lean-Lifts®
Items stored:
Auto parts and tools
The Hänel Lean-Lift® – the interface between workshop and service centre
BMW Benham is the leading retailer in the West Midlands. The company’s new building was specially designed with a large show-room with ample space for vehicles and for optimizing the quality of customer care.
Two Hänel Lean-Lifts® help resolve the constantly growing need for more space in the service centre. A special feature is the second access point on one of the lift systems which serves to connect the service department with the automobile workshop area. This setup allows employees to keep their tools in the lift system and also gives them access to the parts and components they need.
MP 12 N control system
The storage systems are operated with the intelligent Hänel MP 12 N controller. The central MP 100 D controller is used for system management. The MP 100 D supports convenient inventory control for both lift systems.
An interface between the MP 12 N controllers and the BMW DMS supports data communication via the enterprise network.
Orders are sent to the lifts via FTP, and scanning a specially developed barcode starts the automatic transport of containers with the requested parts to the access point for retrieval.