Schultz W. E. – Elektromagnete | Oberrindal, CH
Safe and secure storage of tools and parts
Reliable and secure parts supply for manufacturing with the Hänel Rotomat® and Lockomat®
The family-owned business W.E. Schultz Electromagnets and Precision Engineering in Oberrindal, Switzerland, relies on Hänel Rotomat® and Lockomat® systems to safely store production components, tools, spare parts and metrological devices. The maker of electromagnets and electromagnetic sensors has invested in Hänel solutions in order to save space and boost the efficiency of manufacturing processes.
The Hänel systems are installed centrally in the production area. Employees are able to retrieve machine parts on demand – precisely when and where they are needed. There is no need to walk back and forth during retrieval, and that saves time and reduces machine retooling time.
The Hänel Rotomat® is based on the vertical carousel principle. By utilizing the height of the production hall large quantities of components can be stored inside the Hänel system, while saving an enormous amount of floor space – all operations are efficient and ergonomic.
Safe and secure tool storage
Access protection for parts and tools is an important requirement. The Hänel Lockomat® is the ideal solution for safeguarding valuable tools and measuring devices from unauthorized access.
In order to retrieve an item, the employee must first enter the item number of the tool or device by using the keypad on the Hänel MP 12 N microprocessor controller. Then the employee uses an ID card to complete the authorization process on the RFID terminal right next to the Hänel controller. The compartment doors open automatically, giving the user access only to those items specified on the pick list.
All storage and retrieval transactions are logged in a transaction journal which is constantly updated to ensure precise tracking. The display on the Hänel controller can show the current inventory in the storage system at all times.
This supports constant inventory control by comparing the Hänel data with the information in the host SAP ERP system!

„The Hänel solutions have enabled us to set up a compact and efficient depot for tools and parts on the production floor, not to mention the efficient and ergonomic processes that benefit our employees.“
Alexander Hildt
Production Manager